Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Covenant Relationships and Covenant Life

Deuteronomy 21 could be a bee's nest of problems for the preacher. He will likely have to deal with the difficult topics of women-slaves, polygamy, and rebellious sons being turned over to the authorities for execution. All of this has to be dealt with, but that is not the greatest issue in Deuteronomy 21 which is where Moses, I believe, is continuing to expound on the sixth commandment.

These are not little, miscellaneous laws. There is structure to be found. If "thou shalt not kill" means that we have a variety of responsibilities for life and the lives of others in our covenant communities, then these laws begin to cohere.

A city must take responsibility for the quality of life in its midst. A man may not take advantage of a woman even in times of warfare. A father must follow God's law with regard to his sons regardless of his personal favor. Parents must take responsibility for their childrens' actions and the consequences of such actions upon and within a community. And when justice must be carried out, we must not let the sun go down on our anger.

In all of these situations, covenant life and responsibility are at issue.

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